You might notice something when you talk to friends and family across the country. HVAC companies are starting to make their great switch from air conditioning care to heating care. This makes sense, as the seasons change, so must our equipment to deal with the temperatures at hand. However, things are a little different for us.
While we heavily advise you to get your heater maintained, which is what most HVAC companies are talking about this fall, there’s something else we’d like you to do. Hot temperatures aren’t over for us, and we think it’s important that you schedule AC maintenance in New Orleans as well.
We know, it seems a little late to schedule maintenance for your air conditioner—but that’s just it—late is better than never. Let’s talk about why now could be the perfect time for AC maintenance in our area.
Our Summers Last Longer
While we are still in the northern hemisphere and we do still experience chilly temperatures, it takes a lot longer for those chilly temperatures to arrive. We don’t experience as much of a fall as we do a long summer and a short winter. That’s why it’s so important that we keep maintaining our air conditioners throughout the fall.
Hard at Work
Your air conditioner works hard to keep you comfortable here in New Orleans. That’s a great reason alone to get it maintained now. Think about it—our air conditioners work much harder than they would in other parts of the country, which means we need to make sure they’re working efficiently. Maintenance is key when it comes to ensuring maximum efficiency and staving off repairs.
It’s important not to fight this. Work together with your air conditioner to keep your home comfortable, don’t fight against it just because maintenance costs money. It costs far less to maintain than it does to make an emergency repair next summer.
Heat Pump Maintenance
If you have a heat pump, then you might be laughing at the idea of “transitioning” from cooling to heating. All you need to do is flip a switch!
However, being the owner of a heat pumps also means that it requires twice as much maintenance as a normal air conditioner or furnace would. Fall is the perfect time to get your heat pump maintained, while temperatures aren’t as hot as they were a month ago, but they’re not as chilly as they’ll be a couple months down the line.
Late Maintenance Is Better Than No Maintenance
This is the most important thing we want you to understand from this blog post. Homeowners in our area often think that they’re in the clear once they’ve made it past August, but that’s just not the truth. Getting by an entire year without maintenance isn’t an achievement, it’s a problem. Your AC loses, on average, 5% of its efficiency every time it misses a yearly maintenance appointment.
Luckily, it doesn’t really matter when that maintenance appointment happens, as long as you get it done. Why not call us and get it over with?
Here at Natal’s Air Conditioning, we’re the experts of AC maintenance. Call us today to schedule an appointment. Service honoring the golden rule.