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3 Myths About DIY AC Repair

AC Condenser unit

You wouldn’t believe the number of people we meet who try to do their own AC repairs. We admire the enthusiasm that a lot of homeowners have in our area! The knack for being handy will take you very far in this world, and we appreciate everyone wanting to learn more about their AC technology. Unfortunately, this enthusiasm can sometimes lead to some harmful myths and unexpectedly bad outcomes.

If you’re starting to envision performing DIY repairs on your AC, we’d like you to at least read this blog post first before you touch anything. We’re not trying to be downers, but we want homeowners to be very aware of what can possibly happen when they try to perform the work that we train for.

AC repair in Metairie, LA is more of a science than just handiwork. Today, we’re going to talk about three myths that are spread about DIY AC repair, and tell you why they’re wrong!

“DIY Repairs Will Save Money”

This is the first myth we’d like to approach. While on the surface, it seems true, but the more time you spend evaluating it and thinking about it, the more false it becomes.

DIY repairs by definition are going to be more affordable than professional repairs. However, there’s one strong caveat to this–and that’s correct DIY repairs will always be more affordable. If something goes wrong, or if a component gets bumped or broken, those repairs will quickly become more expensive. This happens all the time and it’s one of the major reasons why we tell homeowners not to try fixing their own air conditioning systems.

Also, parts can be more expensive when you buy them from a retail home improvement store. Our team has access to HVAC system parts that are cheaper, so we can charge customers a fair price when we include our labor hours. So if you accidentally purchase the wrong sized component or part for your AC, you’re spending way more than we normally would.

“It’s Just an Air Conditioner, You’ll Be Fine Without It for a While”

Many homeowners just consider the fact that an air conditioner is a “luxury system” and it doesn’t really matter if it breaks due to your DIY repairs. While this might have been true 20 years ago, it’s not really true anymore.

Each and every year we’re dealing with new records set on the thermostat. Heatwaves are approaching all-time highs, and it’s quite possibly the worst time in history to be without an air conditioning system. This unit protects you not just from the heat, but from heatstroke, sunburns, and dehydration from humid conditions.

“Just Call a Pro If You Can’t Fix the Problem”

Ah, this is an age-old idea. Just work on the system until you get stuck, and then you can call a pro to finish the job, right? Well, then it might be too late.

The moment you open your air conditioner to fix it, you’re essentially voiding the protective warranty you might have on the system. This means that you’re liable for any and all charges that are required from repairs. Before you do anything, how about you call our team first!

It’s time you called a team that values service honoring the Golden Rule. Call Natal’s HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical.

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