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3 Signs You Need to Schedule AC Repairs

As the summer season winds down, you may have some AC repair needs to address before switching over to heat for the winter season. The question is, how do you identify those repair needs? You can keep reading to learn about three signs that can mean you need to schedule service again for your air conditioner, even if you had a maintenance appointment already this year.

Just give our team a call for air conditioning repair in New Orleans and we will be ready to help. It’s a great idea to make sure your air conditioner is fully functional since you will continue needing your air conditioner for a while longer.

Loud Noises

If your air conditioner is suddenly making new sounds, something is more than likely going wrong. The question is, what’s the problem? Identifying the issue and getting it fixed quickly can be the difference between helping your air conditioner last longer or not. If operational problems continue, your air conditioner may be more likely to break down again in the future and won’t last as long overall. 

This is because a single problem like a fan being off balance can add strain to other components that causes them to work harder. Even after the fan is fixed, your AC still has lasting damage. Examples of loud noises include:

  • Banging or knocking – a large part is loose
  • Rattling or tapping – a small part is loose
  • Humming or clicking – difficulty starting up for a cooling cycle
  • Bubbling or hissing – potential refrigerant leak
  • Scraping or screeching – fan blade issues
  • Grinding – lack of lubricant in between gears

Bad Odors

Bad smells are never a good sign when they originate from your air conditioner. Bad odors that point to problems include:

  • Burning smell – A component is overheating or there is an electrical problem.
  • Musty or damp odor – Mold may be growing somewhere in the system. If not, there is likely moisture buildup.
  • Chemical smell – This may be a refrigerant leak, although sometimes it borders on being more of a sweet odor.

Any other odors should be equally concerning. It’s a good idea to get your AC checked out just to be safe. Bad odors point to major safety hazards that leave your family at risk.

AC Age

The older your AC is, the more likely it is that you need to call for service. Fifteen years is usually the longest you want to leave an air conditioner in service before replacing it with a new model. As you get closer to your AC being 15 years old, repairs are more likely.

In fact, you can tell when your AC is wearing out because it will face more frequent repair needs. You may schedule service for one problem only to have to call back a month or two later for something different. Putting a lot of money into an older air conditioner may not make sense when you can upgrade to a brand new unit instead.

Natal’s Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical. Service Honoring the Golden Rule.

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