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Don’t Wait – Prep Your System for Warm Weather

Does AC maintenance make a big difference in how your air conditioner operates, or not? You can keep reading to learn everything you need to know about how a professional tune-up can elevate how your AC operates for the coming season and in future years.

Whether you schedule the service consistently year after year, have never scheduled a professional service appointment, or fall somewhere in between, our team is here to help. Plus, we have an offer right now that can save you money on this valuable service.

How to Get Your AC Ready for Summer

Warmer temperatures aren’t here yet, but you don’t want to wait until you absolutely need your air conditioner to turn it on. Otherwise, you might find out that something is wrong and you’re left without AC until it is fixed.

Go ahead and turn your AC on now, even if it’s just for 15 minutes to see how it’s working when you switch your thermostat over to cooling and lower the temperature setting.

Pay attention to whether it clicks persistently or hums when it starts up. These sounds can mean it is struggling to turn on. The clicking sound is concerning when it originates from the inside portion of the unit. A humming sound on the outdoor unit points to a capacitor that needs to be replaced soon.

While your AC runs for a cycle, feel the air coming out of vents around your home to make sure it’s specifically cold. If not, leave your AC on and let it run for a second cycle to see if you notice a difference. If not, you may need to invest in professional service with our team. You can let us know about any other red flags that concern you if you notice any. 

Why Do Professional Tune-Ups Matter?

You can do a lot to maintain for your air conditioner by way of maintenance steps that you take on a monthly basis. Changing the air filter on time, cleaning the outdoor unit, and rinsing the condensate drain line all go a long way toward better AC operation. But there’s also a percentage of work you cannot do without specific expertise. That’s where we come in. 

We can use our education and years of industry experience to check the details inside your system. Are there areas that are wearing out faster than other components? Do you have loose screws, dirt buildup, or belts that are warping? We can help make adjustments and replace parts before they wear out completely. Our goal is to catch problems before they have a chance to get too far and impact cooling. 

Timing AC Maintenance

If you already had a professional maintenance appointment last year toward the end of the summer or into the fall, you’re off the hook for service right now. But if it has been a year or longer, the service is important ahead of the coming season. 

We will help you save money on energy costs and help your AC enjoy a longer expected lifespan. Plus you’ll have the peace of mind in knowing your AC will work all season long without major issues thanks to a well-timed tune-up.

Natal’s Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical. Service Honoring the Golden Rule. Schedule your appointment for AC maintenance today!

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