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Put Your AC Away the Right Way


Things are starting to get chilly here in Slidell. And if they’re not at the time of reading this, then they will be. There’s no getting around this—it’s time to put away the air conditioners and pull out our trustworthy heaters. For some of us, that’s great news because your heater is much newer and more efficient than your air conditioner. For others, the feeling is the opposite.

We’re not here to write a poem about fall weather and the chilly winter, we’re here to talk turkey. You could be looking at some expensive air conditioning service in Slidell, LA if your air conditioner isn’t put away the right way. Yes, we have to take care of our air conditioning systems even when we aren’t using them for the season. The more your system has to endure the elements, neglect, and time, the less efficient and more problematic it will become.

Don’t worry, keep reading. We’ve got your back.

Put Things to Bed

When you put your kids to bed each night, do you just lock them in a dark room and call it quits? Absolutely not! You give them a kiss on the forehead, tuck them in, and make sure they’re drifting soundly off to sleep. We’re not asking you to tuck your air conditioner in, but at least treat it with the care it requires to stave off repairs and efficiency issues.

Unplug the System

We get it, you’re not going to need your air conditioner until next spring, so why go the extra mile to unplug the system anyways? It’s not like it’s going to turn on until you need it, right? Well, don’t speak too soon.

Air conditioners can sometimes turn on haphazardly during the winter on an exceptionally warm day, which can then cause it to start working while there’s a tarp, snow, and other materials covering it. This is not good for the system and will likely cause it to overheat.

Cover the Outside Cabinet

Would you rather leave your car in a driveway or a garage? While some of us don’t have the option of a garage, it definitely keeps your car in better shape when it’s partially shielded from the elements. Using an air conditioner cover can do the same thing for your system. If you don’t want to get a cover, you can still complete the same task with a tarp.

Keep Your Vents Clean and Clear

Your air conditioner most likely uses the same vents as your heater, so make sure you clean them regularly and keep them unobstructed, no matter how comfortable you think it might make you by blocking certain ones.

Hold Onto Your Bills!

We know it might feel good to get rid of old paper bills from last year, and clear out your emails, but we’d urge you not to do this. Your energy bills can be used to notice if there’s an efficiency problem next year.

Get Repairs Done Today

Do you think that your air conditioner will magically get fixed between now and next summer? It won’t. Get your air conditioner repaired before you put it away for a few months and forget about its necessary repair needs.

Natal’s Air Conditioning has your back here in Slidell. Give us a call. Service honoring the golden rule.

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