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Does Your Home Need a New Electrical Panel?

While electrical panels are designed to last for a long time, technology has changed a lot in recent decades. If you have an older electrical panel, it’s crucial that you upgrade to a newer setup that can meet your technological needs. Give our team a call if you think you need electrical panel repair in New Orleans.

We can review your current electrical panel and help you choose between making repairs to your existing setup or completely overhauling it to replace it with a more modern solution. In the meantime, keep reading to learn more about some of the reasons that you might want to upgrade your older electrical panel to something new.

Panel Age

Electrical panels can last for anywhere between 25 and 40 years. However, if you have a home that was built before the 1990s, your electrical panel definitely needs to be upgraded. Those panels were installed before the technology boom that created many of the home electronics that we have today.

Older panels may not be able to handle newer appliances, computers, and cell phone charging needs. Running out of electrical outlets for plugging things in is one sign that your electrical panel is outdated.

Electrical Problems

If you are tripping breakers frequently around your home, that’s a red flag that your electrical panel needs an upgrade. Tripping breakers happens when your electrical panel gets overloaded by the demand for electricity. Older panels were not designed to handle the needs of modern technology.

This means that plugging in too many things in a single room can overload the panel and lead to the breakers tripping. Resetting them may seem easy enough, but allowing this problem to continue leaves your home and family at risk. It’s even worse if your electrical panel doesn’t even have breakers, because that means it is significantly older.

Warning Signs

You can also pay attention to signs that your electrical panel is struggling. For example, if you hold your hand up to the electrical panel, it should feel cool. If the electrical panel feels warm or hot, it’s a major problem. The electrical panel running hot means that it is working harder than it should and overheating.

This may be accompanied by burning smells, which are even more alarming than heat alone. A burning smell can mean your electrical system is already doing damage inside the walls of your home and that your home is at risk for an electrical fire. If you smell something burning and suspect that it is related to your electrical panel, give us a call right away.

Corrosion around your electrical panel or outlets is also reason for concern. You probably already know that water and electricity don’t mix. If you notice corrosion like rusting, that means there is moisture around the electrical panel. Once rust begins, it cannot be reversed. Any rusting components need to be completely replaced.

Natal’s Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical. Service Honoring the Golden Rule.

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