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The Intricate Details of an EV Charger Upgrade

Electric vehicles are on the up and up this year. While January is a time of planning for the future and looking toward a new set of yearly goals, getting an EV can be an easy purchase for a lot of homeowners. They’re sleek, have large enough batteries to take you anywhere, and rely on charging infrastructure that’s come a long way. Having a car that can charge at home is a huge boon for people with busy schedules and a lot of commuting.

However, you’ll want to upgrade your garage (or outdoor) outlet to a 240v charger, which is considered a level 2 charger. These allow for faster charging when you’re relying on your EV more. And while your dealership might have given you a good deal, there are a few better reasons to go with our team for your EV charger installation in New Orleans.

Read on to learn more!

Start With the Benefits

EV charging at home is a great benefit when you’re thinking about swapping out a gas car for an EV (or just investing in a new electric vehicle). It allows you to skip the step of going to the gas station and instead charge at home or at an EV charger located in your area.

While public EV chargers can be fast, nothing beats the ability to charge at home while you’re sleeping, working, or doing chores. Parking your car and returning to it with almost a full charge will make you feel like you can go anywhere.

So, the first thing we’d like to recommend is upgrading your home to have a level 2 charger for your car. This charger uses the same voltage as a drying machine, 240 volts which can come from any place on your property where there is an outlet box. However, switching from regular outlets to a 240v EV charger is a process that can be dangerous and difficult if you’re not a trained electrician.

Schedule an appointment with our team to get started.

What About the Dealership?

Why are we offering this service if the dealership is going to do it for you? Well, contrary to how it might be advertised, the dealership you purchased your EV from doesn’t have an electrician on hand. They contract out to a larger national corporation like Qmerit that subcontracts out to an electrician. They might be from out of town or not.

Then, the contracted corporation adds a cut for themselves on top of the price of the work. This can often cause the price to jump up due to fees that aren’t really related to your EV charging upgrade. It’s not the dealership’s fault, this is just how this business model works right now for them.

When you schedule an EV charger installation with our team, you get the lowest price possible. All you need to pay for is what the work actually costs. There are no corporations taking a cut from your hard-earned money. This makes it almost always a good idea to go with us instead. Not to mention the fact that it always feels good to support a local business!

Remember, for Service Honoring the Golden Rule, make sure you schedule an appointment with Natal’s Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical.

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