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Tips for Making a Noisy Heat Pump Operate Quietly

If your heat pump seems like it is running louder than it should be, there may be a problem in need of professional attention. Other times, heat pumps simply run louder than what you would expect. But if there is a sudden change in how loud your heat pump is, that points to a specific problem.

Either way, we can help you come up with a solution to help your noisy heat pump. Just give us a call to schedule an appointment for heat pump repair in New Orleans. You can also keep reading to learn more about why your heat pump may be noisy and some of the solutions that we can help with.

Pinpointing Problems

First, you want to consider whether or not the noise you are hearing is unusual. If your heat pump is suddenly making loud and obnoxious sounds, that usually means that something is wrong. A fan blade may be loose and scraping against the interior of your AC. Or, maybe the motor is coming loose from its position and knocking around during operation. 

Other times, something may have broken off and the rattling or banging around inside of your unit. These things can apply to either your indoor or outdoor heat pump units. When you call us with a noise concern, our first step is to eliminate the possibility of anything being wrong with your heat pump. If we do discover a problem, we can fix it by making a repair or replacing the component in question. 

General Noisiness

If we determine that nothing is wrong and your heat pump is just loud, there are other steps we can take. Usually, heat pumps are loud during operation because they have strong airflow or produce a loud humming or whooshing sound as the unit operates. The most common reason for this happening is that your heat pump was incorrectly sized when it was installed and is too large for your home. If your heat pump has too much power, it will work harder than necessary and ultimately be a little louder.

But there is a solution. If the indoor portion of your unit is the problem, our team can measure and fit a soundproof blanket. We can do the same for your outdoor unit if that is the problem. Keep in mind that you definitely want to have our team complete this step for you. You may think that it’s easy enough to go online and do a quick search to find some type of soundproofing solution for your air conditioner. 

But you could easily block airflow and cause additional problems like overheating if you don’t have the appropriate solution. Instead, let our team provide you with your options and talk to you about the pros and cons of each one. If you don’t want to soundproof the unit itself, you may be able to take steps like soundproofing the closet that the indoor portion of your unit is located in, or soundproofing the room nearest to your outdoor unit. 

When you have a loud heat pump, it can be easy to get used to hearing the noise and miss red flags of other problems. Keep in mind that any other loud noises outside of whatever is normal for your heat pump should still be considered concerning. It’s a good idea to call our team and schedule service when you think that something is wrong with your unit.

Natal’s Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical. Service Honoring the Golden Rule.

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