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Why Are My Heating Bills Suddenly Skyrocketing?

Have you received a heating bill this winter that made you gasp? It can be alarming to see an energy bill jump up in cost significantly. And the truth is, unless you have changed your heating or cooling habits, you shouldn’t see a significant increase on your bill. If you do, it’s a red flag that something is wrong with your heater. 

Instead of working efficiently, it is consuming a large amount of energy to produce the results for heating your home. You can give us a call to schedule heating service in Mandeville, LA. We’ll get down to the root of the problem and fix it so that your energy bills can return to normal. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about the things that may go wrong inside of your heater that can increase energy costs significantly.

Thermostat Settings

When you have high energy bills, the first place you want to look is your thermostat. It’s easy to gradually set the temperature higher and higher as weeks go by. Sure, you want to be comfortable. But at what cost? Experts recommend that you set your thermostat no higher than 68° for heating. 

This may not be as warm as you want it to be, but it is ideal for energy efficiency and lightening the load on your heater. You can stay warm by bundling up and using blankets. Adjusting your thermostat a little lower can go a long way toward saving on your monthly energy costs.

Ductwork Holes

Sometimes your thermostat settings are not to blame. If you have a furnace or heater that attaches to ductwork, the ductwork may very well be to blame for skyrocketing energy costs. If there are broken seals and holes in the ductwork, air can escape before ever reaching your home. If the indoor air temperature doesn’t increase enough, your heater will stay on and continue working in an attempt to make your home more comfortable. 

When you schedule a duct cleaning and sealing appointment, we can clean out the inside of your ductwork and reseal those connections so you’re not paying to heat your attic or basement. With airtight ductwork, more of the heated air will blow into your home instead of escaping.

Poor Heater Functionality

Skyrocketing energy costs are a great reason to schedule service for your heater. If the two factors above are not affecting your energy costs, it may simply be that something is going wrong inside of your heater. Instead of using energy efficiently, your heater is working much harder to produce results for your home. We can figure out what the problem is and fix it. 

This may mean replacing a component, making repairs, or simply cleaning out the inside of the heater and tightening things here and there. Without consistent maintenance, your heater can take on wear and tear that greatly impacts how well it can operate. Ideally, you want to schedule maintenance annually to make sure your heater is always able to work at its best and most efficient.

Natal’s Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical. Service Honoring the Golden Rule. Schedule an appointment today for heating services.

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