Water Leaking From Your AC … What’s Going On?

July 24th, 2023

If you know anything about how a standard central air conditioning system works, you know that it doesn’t use water to cool down the air. So if an AC doesn’t use water, why are you seeing water dripping from your indoor HVAC cabinet and pooling on the floor?

This isn’t something you want to happen with your AC. We’ll explain what might be happening and why it usually calls for professional repairs. We’ve been serving the Big Easy with AC service since 1974, so when you need air conditioning repair in Metairie, LA for a leaky unit or anything else, we’re the experts to call.

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What’s in Your Drain?

July 10th, 2023

You’ve gone to do some dishes or prepare a nice meal for a few friends in the neighborhood, and of a sudden you realize that the wastewater isn’t draining from your kitchen sink. What gives?

Well, many different things can give, and this blog post is going to try and identify some of the most common culprits for a drain clog. None of them are particularly good, and if your drain is starting to clog, chances are you’re going to need to do one of two things.

First, you can try to plunge the drain, or use a drain snake to dislodge the clog and allow for water to flow freely through it. But if this doesn’t work, then you’re going to need to invest in professional drain cleaning in Metairie, LA. Our team can be the one to help you quickly and effectively.

However, keep reading to learn more about why the materials clogging your drain might be harder to get dislodged than others.

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How Much Should AC Repair Cost?

June 26th, 2023

The one most prohibitive factor of an air conditioning repair is the cost. Think about it. If this kind of work were free, wouldn’t everyone get it at their earliest convenience? The major thing that keeps people stressed out or up at night is the fact that it’s going to cost some hard-earned money to get your AC repaired.

We get it. We wish we could offer this kind of work for free, but then we’d be out of business and you’d have to find a less trustworthy professional to help you. And, to make things more complicated, we can’t give you exact numbers on how much your AC repair will cost until we diagnose it ourselves. There are many factors that can make an AC repair complicated, which then increases the cost.

What we can do is talk about how much is too much for AC repair in Jefferson, LA. If you’re experiencing some of the following problems, then you might be in better shape if you call us and speak to a professional directly.

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3 Serious Electrical Problems With Your AC

June 12th, 2023

Air conditioners all have one thing in common–they run on electricity. Unlike heating systems or other appliances that might have different fuel sources or energy types, an air conditioner always relies on electrical energy to function properly. This is why their electrical problems are universal.

Don’t get us wrong, there are all sorts of AC makes, models, and sizes. You can’t really do a one-size-fits-all fix with an air conditioner because they’re all so different. But when it comes to electrical problems, these can usually be diagnosed in similar ways.

Let’s talk about some electrical problems that might be happening with your AC, and discuss a few solutions for them. The best and most simple solution is to call our team for air conditioning service in Mandeville, LA. We can handle it from there!

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A Guide to Your Sacrificial Anode Rod

May 15th, 2023

Every tank water heater has a sacrificial anode rod. Or at least it should have one. These components are important because they’re what separate a 5-year replacement and a 10-year replacement.

Corrosion is going to impact your water heater whether you like it or not. We’ll explain down below how corrosion works, but the anode rod is a component of your water heater that draws this chemical process so that the rest of the system remains intact. This means that without a sacrificial anode rod, your water heater in New Orleans, LA is going to be in big trouble. The entire tank could start corroding at that point.

So, let’s talk about the process of corrosion. We’ll discuss why it’s such a difficult problem to deal with, and why this valuable part of your water heater is so important. Remember, most homes use a storage-tank water heater, so this means it’s likely that you need the help of a sacrificial anode rod!

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3 Tips to Save Money With Plumbing

May 2nd, 2023

For many people, 2023 has been a major year full of life changes. Perhaps you’ve started a new job, or maybe you’re getting ready to have kids in the house you just bought.

Regardless of where you are in life, we can bet that you’ve got a trusted plumbing system there to help you along the way.

However, a plumbing system can get expensive. The sheer amount of stress they go through every time homeowners flush a toilet, run a shower, or even do the dishes, can mean that they’re hoping and praying that it doesn’t collapse on you.

First of all, if your plumbing in Gretna, LA does collapse on you, we’re here to help. But also, we’d like to focus on preventing this kind of catastrophe. We’ll mainly cover some great tips that can help you save money on things like plumbing repairs, cleaning costs, and more.

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Short Cycling Is Never a Good Sign

April 17th, 2023

It’s an exciting moment to turn your air conditioner on for the first time in the spring. For many of us, these systems are on all year except for maybe one or two months. But as you turn your system on, it runs a little bit and shuts off prematurely. And, to make matters worse, it keeps doing this over and over again. What’s going on?

Well, this is a problem we call “short cycling” and it’s where your system (as you can tell) runs in short, frequent cycles throughout the day. A short cycling air conditioner might seem like not that big of a deal but it will easily lead to other issues, inefficiency, and even an early replacement if you’re not careful.

This blog is going to cover everything you need to know about short cycling air conditioners, and why you should call us for air conditioning repair in Metairie, LA ASAP.

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3 Essential Reasons to Choose AC Maintenance

April 3rd, 2023

AC maintenance might sound like a luxury to a lot of customers. After all, who pays for a service that isn’t completely necessary at a time when that money could be used for something else, like a car repair or a home improvement project? And plus, is maintenance really worth that money anyways?

Answering these questions is tricky because it involves a change in mindset. We understand those opinions, and we’d argue that if you depend on your car for work and you only have enough money for either maintenance or car repairs, then you should definitely choose the repairs.

But if you have a moment to breathe in your budget, then air conditioning maintenance in Gretna, LA is actually going to save you money later on.

Maintenance isn’t a luxury, but it’s absolutely valuable. If you’d like your comfort technology to last as long as the lifespan lists, then maintenance is going to be your best friend. So if you have the space in your budget, we’d recommend investing in it for the following reasons.

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How Expensive Is It to Ground Your Home?

March 20th, 2023

At this point most of our customers know the difference between grounded outlets and ungrounded outlets. But for everyone else, we can start from scratch.

Grounded outlets are three-pronged outlets that are grounded, meaning they aren’t susceptible to power surges and fluctuations of the grid. Any excess power flowing through them just goes into the ground.

Ungrounded outlets are the two-pronged outlets, the ones that sometimes require an adapter for your devices. These outlets are ungrounded and can be susceptible to power fluctuations and more.

With so many of us depending on our devices on a day-to-day basis, we’d advise homeowners to get all of their outlets grounded. There’s literally no downside to having your outlets grounded by an electrician in Harvey, LA. The only issue is that it costs money.

So, how much money does it cost? Let’s get into some rough ideas.

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Clogs Can Cause Contamination

March 6th, 2023

You use your kitchen sink for a lot of things these days. There’s been quite a revolution in home cooking, baking, and organization in the past few years, and many people are just using their kitchens more. It’s a good thing!

Your kitchen is the heart of your home. It’s where you spend a lot of time preparing for dinner and even hosting friends or family when they come over. It’s a place that has a lot of energy, so the last thing it should be is a health hazard.

If you’ve got a badly clogged kitchen sink, it could be a health hazard lying in wait. Hiring a professional for kitchen plumbing in River Ridge, LA isn’t just for your drains and home aesthetics–it’s also to prevent people from getting sick. Down below, we’ll explain how a clogged drain can actually be a particularly nasty health risk with some hidden negatives you might not have thought about.

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