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3 Common Plumbing Problems in Our Area

While many residential plumbing problems are the same or similar from state to state, others are more likely to happen in particular areas based on elevation and the environment. Here in New Orleans, we have some common problems that you definitely want to address right away if you suspect them. 

You can keep reading to learn more about some of the reasons you want to call an emergency plumber in New Orleans. We are also highlighting the early signs of each one so you can call us as soon as you suspect a problem and potentially avoid a more expensive issue.


Having water back up into a home is a common reason that we get calls. Backups can happen when the sewer drain is not flowing smoothly. Or if you have a septic tank, the problem may be that you need to have your tank pumped. This is a service you usually have to invest in about every five years.

You can pay attention to early signs of an impending backup and call for service before sewage actually backs up into your tubs or sinks. Examples of early signs include gurgling sounds coming from the drains, unexplainable bad odors in your bathrooms, or water that drains slowly throughout your house.

Pipes Leaking or Bursting

It’s also common to have pipes either leak or burst. If you live in an older home, your pipes are likely aging to the point that they need to be replaced in the near future. As the pipe materials wear down, holes can develop and lead to corrosion. 

You may notice standing water in your yard if pipes are leaking outside of your house, or signs of water damage inside. Even if you don’t see any signs of a leak, you may notice your water bill is getting more expensive without any real explanation as to why. Leaks can be hidden where you haven’t noticed them yet.

Low Water Pressure

Aside from the age of pipes, it’s also common for tree roots to go through pipes and lead to leaks. If tree roots grow into the pipes leading into your home, it may result in lower than normal water pressure. You can lose water pressure gradually so that you don’t notice it at first. 

But eventually, the problem will be bad enough that you can no longer ignore the fact that water pressure in your home is not as strong as it used to be. It’s possible the problem affects a single area of your home or all of your faucets. It really just depends on how severe the situation is.

Identifying the exact reason for low water pressure can be tricky, but we have the tools to make the job simple. We can complete a video pipe inspection and figure out exactly where an issue is in the lines and what is going wrong. By pinpointing a precise location, we can begin working in the exact right spot without any guesswork.

Natal’s Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical. Service Honoring the Golden Rule.

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