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The Best Benefits of Scheduling Annual Plumbing Maintenance

Did you know that plumbing maintenance is an important service that you need to schedule annually for your home? It’s a preventive measure to help take care of your plumbing ahead of any problems. If it’s been a while since you scheduled plumbing maintenance in Metairie, LA, now is a great time to do so.

In fact, the holiday season is a busy time for plumbing problems. When you schedule preventative maintenance, now you can prevent a major clog or leak in the near future. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of annual plumbing maintenance and why you should schedule service now ahead of the holiday season.

Prevent Clogs

We get a lot of calls from families facing tough clogs that need to be broken down. We also get calls for preventive service and a preventive maintenance appointment is much easier than an appointment to address a tough clog.

Clogs can form deep within your plumbing system, making them hard to reach and get rid of completely. It can be more expensive and time consuming to break down a clog than it is to schedule plumbing maintenance and stay ahead of the problem.

Extend Plumbing Lifespan

Unfortunately, clogs can damage your plumbing system. Clogs attract bacteria and mold, which can corrode the inside of your pipes. When you stay ahead of clogs, you increase the chances of your plumbing lasting for longer and experiencing fewer problems over the years.

Plus, you give our team a chance to identify plumbing problems early, we can fix them while they are small instead of addressing larger issues later on when they turn into emergencies.

Save on Utility Costs

An annual checkup is also a great way to save on your monthly utility costs. If you have one or more leaky faucets or a running toilet, your water usage can increase quickly. You may not think that a faucet dripping water is a huge deal, but it is. A running toilet costs you thousands of gallons of water per month potentially doubling or tripling your monthly water bill. 

When you see a dripping faucet or hear a running toilet every single day, it’s easy to get used to them and forget that it’s a problem. Our team will pay attention to the tiniest details to help optimize your plumbing. Plus, we can make recommendations that can help you better care for your plumbing on a day-to-day basis.

Make Plumbing Upgrades

If we notice anything in your home that needs to be replaced because it is outdated, we can help with that too. We see many times in older homes that plumbing fixtures, faucets and even piping are outdated enough that they can affect your comfort and even the ability to use water in your home the way you want. Older pipes can be significantly smaller, and outdated faucets can be far less energy efficient.

Natal’s Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical. Service Honoring the Golden Rule. Schedule an appointment today for plumbing service.

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