Natal's Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

3 Myths About DIY AC Repair

Monday, May 2nd, 2022
AC Condenser unit

You wouldn’t believe the number of people we meet who try to do their own AC repairs. We admire the enthusiasm that a lot of homeowners have in our area! The knack for being handy will take you very far in this world, and we appreciate everyone wanting to learn more about their AC technology. Unfortunately, this enthusiasm can sometimes lead to some harmful myths and unexpectedly bad outcomes.

If you’re starting to envision performing DIY repairs on your AC, we’d like you to at least read this blog post first before you touch anything. We’re not trying to be downers, but we want homeowners to be very aware of what can possibly happen when they try to perform the work that we train for.

AC repair in Metairie, LA is more of a science than just handiwork. Today, we’re going to talk about three myths that are spread about DIY AC repair, and tell you why they’re wrong!

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Why End of Season AC Maintenance Is Important

Monday, November 15th, 2021
couple on couch

It’s November, which means that most HVAC pros are talking less about air conditioners and more about heating systems. Even in our neck of the woods, we still rely on heating systems to keep our homes nice and cozy through the chilliest of nights.

That all being said, we need to discuss one final AC topic before we start talking about ways you can save on your heating bills. End-of-the-year AC repair in Mandeville, LA, as well as AC maintenance, is a necessity that we want homeowners to think about before they set their systems aside and wait for next spring.

We’re going to talk about how both of these vital services are necessary if your system is struggling, or hasn’t been maintained at all this year. We’ll also talk about why now might be the perfect time to fit in a final appointment before switching gears to the holiday season.

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Avoid AC Frustration with Three Tips

Monday, September 20th, 2021
Digital thermostat

We get some serious mileage from our air conditioners every year. This is the cost of living in Louisianna, and with our beautiful weather and access to delicious crawfish, it’s worth every penny!

Though, sometimes homeowners deal with a little more than just a “struggling” AC. Your AC could start making strange noises, providing subpar comfort, or just start breaking down. If this sounds more like your life, then we urge you to call us for AC repair in Kenner, LA. We’ll get your system back on track.

In the meantime, we’ve got three specific things that you can do for your air conditioner that will help alleviate problems and keep it in good shape. While you might have heard of a couple of these tips before, they’re worth learning about so you can stay vigilant for AC problems down the line. Let’s get started to avoid frustration with your AC!

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A Handy Air Conditioning Term Glossary

Monday, August 9th, 2021
AC condenser unit

We’ve all been there—searching for help with your air conditioning issue while you’ve got 18 different tabs open on your browser looking up HVAC industry terms. When you’re not well-acquainted with this technology and this industry, it’s really hard to know just what we’re talking about. BTUs? SEER and AFUE? Short-cycling and refrigerant recharges? What do all of these words mean?

Don’t worry, we’ve got a blog post for everything and that’s the topic we’re going to cover today. In order for you to be an informed consumer when looking for AC repair in Mandeville, LA, you’ll need to be able to identify these terms and know what they mean. They’re everywhere and the more you understand about them, the more likely you are to save on energy bills, repair costs, or the cost of an early system replacement.

Let’s get started! And don’t forget to call our pros if you have any questions, or if you run into a lesser-known term that you’d like some knowledge about.

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Is Refrigerant Leaking From Your System?

Monday, May 3rd, 2021
AC condenser unit

Your air conditioner requires a set amount of refrigerant in order to do its job. This is just a fact. How much refrigerant, the pressure at which the refrigerant should be kept, and the type of refrigerant is going to vary depending on the system you have and some other factors. For instance, R-22 refrigerant was phased out in 2020 and we now regularly use R-410A, which is a lot more environmentally friendly and still works just fine.

What we’re trying to say is, refrigerant is the lifeblood of your system. It’s going to be different depending on the system, but every air conditioner needs it. So when a system starts leaking refrigerant, it’s only a matter of time before your home is too hot, your energy bills spike, and your AC breaks down.

We want to help you avoid the most expensive AC repairs in Harvey, LA. That’s why we’re going to go over some signs you’ll notice when your air conditioner develops a refrigerant leak.

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3 Problems Winter Could’ve Caused to Your AC

Monday, April 19th, 2021
AC condenser unit
An air conditioner unit outside a brick home in a residential neighborhood. The air conditioner is in a back yard in the hot summer season. Service industry, working class.

It might not seem like it, but winter took a long time. We’re enjoying living in the moment, as temperatures start to warm up and the flowers begin to bloom. But let’s not forget the harsh winter temperatures, the problems we had with indoor air quality, and everything else that occurred this winter.

Sometimes homeowners forget that their air conditioners were sitting in the garage, basement, or crawlspace for the whole winter. Likewise, they believe their system will just magically turn on the way it did months ago, like nothing has changed. While we wish this were the case, some AC systems require air conditioning repair in Slidell, LA or some kind of maintenance because of the wintertime wear and tear.

Let’s talk about a few problems that the stale, winter air could have cause your AC system and what you can do to mitigate the damage.

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Put Your AC Away the Right Way

Monday, November 16th, 2020

Things are starting to get chilly here in Slidell. And if they’re not at the time of reading this, then they will be. There’s no getting around this—it’s time to put away the air conditioners and pull out our trustworthy heaters. For some of us, that’s great news because your heater is much newer and more efficient than your air conditioner. For others, the feeling is the opposite.

We’re not here to write a poem about fall weather and the chilly winter, we’re here to talk turkey. You could be looking at some expensive air conditioning service in Slidell, LA if your air conditioner isn’t put away the right way. Yes, we have to take care of our air conditioning systems even when we aren’t using them for the season. The more your system has to endure the elements, neglect, and time, the less efficient and more problematic it will become.

Don’t worry, keep reading. We’ve got your back.

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Does Your AC Need Help Today?

Monday, October 5th, 2020
AC condenser unit
High efficiency modern AC-heater unit, energy save solution

This is a question that we need to answer. Notice how we didn’t just ask “Does your AC need help?” We added that “today” on the end because it’s important to get your air conditioner repaired as quickly as possible. Why is that? Well, let us explain!

Air conditioners that run into issues don’t operate in a vacuum. A lot of the time, one problem that’s constantly occurring inside an air conditioner will compound into another one, or make a separate problem worse. Basically, problems work together to make your life miserable. The quicker you can call us for AC repair in New Orleans, the better off your air conditioner will be as a whole.

Not convinced that fast AC repair makes a difference? Well, how were we going to convince you in just a few sentences? Keep reading as we get into the details about what can go wrong with waiting for repair.

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You Could Be Suffering From a Refrigerant Leak

Monday, September 7th, 2020
Technician working
“Air conditioner repairman in uniform, discussing with the female homeowner the unit’s repair.Take a look at my LIGHTBOXS with other related images.”

Do you hear a hissing or a bubbling noise late at night while your air conditioner is working? Or perhaps you can tell that the temperature of your home is a little “off” and not reaching the standards set on your thermostat? If that’s the case then you could be suffering from a refrigerant leak.

This can occur in air conditioners from time to time, but it often results in poor efficiency, effectiveness, and the eventual breakdown of a system. If you think this kind of problem can fix itself, you’re absolutely wrong!

Call us when it comes to AC repair in New Orleans. We know how to deal with refrigerant leaks, how to patch them, and how to give your system a proper recharge. Below, we’ll go into detail about how you can notice your AC is suffering from this kind of problem, and why calling us sooner is always better than waiting.

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Uh Oh, Did Your AC Break Down? Don’t Panic!

Monday, August 24th, 2020
Technician working
Air Conditioner repairman explaining cost of repairs to homeowners

Air conditioners do break down, even though we try our hardest to stop that from happening. Preventative maintenance, targeted repairs, sensible diagnoses, these are all wonderful tools to keep breakdowns at bay. Unfortunately, our world is not always ideal and breakdowns do happen.

Don’t panic or fall into despair. Breakdowns might be devastating when they happen but they’re not the end of the world. Teams like ours specialize in dealing with air conditioners that are broken down, and we have a whole host of ideas, equipment, and checklists to see what we can do in repairing your system. Call us for AC repair in New Orleans, LA—we promise we can help.

Let’s talk about what you as a homeowner can do during an AC breakdown. Follow our guide and make sure you do everything you can to help mitigate problems and keep yourself comfortable.

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