Natal's Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog: Posts Tagged ‘New Orleans’

Frozen AC Coils? Here’s What to Do

Monday, August 10th, 2020
condenser unit

Air conditioners are not supposed to cool your home with ice. Instead, they use much a much more efficient source of cooling—electricity. If your air conditioner is encased in a block of ice, like so many are that need help, then there’s something wrong.

What are the causes of ice forming on the coils of your AC? How bad can the damage get? Is it an expensive fix to have done? We can answer all of these questions if you keep reading. Just remember that nothing you read online is going to make you feel better than calling our team.

Calling us for AC repair in New Orleans, or if you just need some advice about your system, is the best thing you can do. Our qualified experts have experience with this kind of issue, and we can talk you through any necessary steps.

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Your Air Filter Replacement Guide

Monday, July 27th, 2020
air filter

We love hearing from homeowners on a regular basis. As your local HVAC support provider, we’ve seen every type of AC repair there is to see. That being said, many homeowners call us about inefficiencies in their system, or that they’re not working properly. When we investigate the problem, it’s all too clear that the air filter hasn’t been replaced.

Have you replaced your air filter in the last few months? Did you even know that homeowners are supposed to replace their AC’s air filter? Don’t worry if you didn’t, we’re not here to shame you. We’re here to make you a more informed owner of an air conditioner!

We won’t leave you hanging. When it comes to New Orleans AC Maintenance, we know what we’re talking about. Let’s walk through the steps of replacing your air filter. Keep reading as we go point by point through the process and make sure you give our team a call if you get stuck. We’re here to help!

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Time to Go Pro: The Pros of Professional AC Service

Monday, July 13th, 2020
Technician working
Latin descent repairman or blue collar/service industry worker makes service/house call at customer’s front door. Man reaches out to shake hands with customer and holds a toolbag. Inspectors, exterminators, plumbers, electricians. Red brick home.

Air conditioners are complex pieces of machinery. There’s a reason why we tell everyone, no matter if you’re an electrical engineer or a chef, to keep your hands off your machine unless you’re interested in paying more money than you already do. We urge everyone to call the pros for AC service and we’ll get into why in this blog post.

There are many benefits to calling for professional service. When you call us for AC repair in New Orleans, you’re getting more than just your air conditioner fixed. You’re also getting the opinion of an expert, the fair pricing of a company that’s been in the area, and a plethora of other things that come with it.

Seriously, there are so many reasons not to choose amateur service over that of a professional that it’s just silly to consider.

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