Every tank water heater has a sacrificial anode rod. Or at least it should have one. These components are important because they’re what separate a 5-year replacement and a 10-year replacement.
Corrosion is going to impact your water heater whether you like it or not. We’ll explain down below how corrosion works, but the anode rod is a component of your water heater that draws this chemical process so that the rest of the system remains intact. This means that without a sacrificial anode rod, your water heater in New Orleans, LA is going to be in big trouble. The entire tank could start corroding at that point.
So, let’s talk about the process of corrosion. We’ll discuss why it’s such a difficult problem to deal with, and why this valuable part of your water heater is so important. Remember, most homes use a storage-tank water heater, so this means it’s likely that you need the help of a sacrificial anode rod!
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Tags: New Orleans, water heater
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