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It’s True: A Tankless Model Needs Water Heater Maintenance, Too!

You may have heard of scheduling water heater maintenance if you have a tank system. But what about if you have a tankless water heater? All water heaters need annual maintenance—tank and tankless alike. Keeping up with regular maintenance is a great way to keep your tankless water heater working at its best for longer.

And if you don’t schedule water heater maintenance, you may be giving our team a call to schedule emergency services for your water heater in New Orleans instead. You can keep reading to learn more about why annual maintenance is so important when you have a tankless water heater.

Homeowner Maintenance 

Your tankless water heater needs maintenance in order to work at its best and have a long lifespan. But this maintenance is broken up into two separate parts. The first is homeowner maintenance, and there are two steps you need to take. 

First, you need to clean out the water filter. Your tankless water heater has a filter that helps to catch some small particles of debris that are entering the system. For example, if you have hard water then you have higher than normal mineral content, including magnesium and calcium. Over time, these particles can build up inside of your tankless water heater and block heating and even water flow. 

By taking this filter out and rinsing away the buildup, you ensure a free flow of water into and out of the tankless water heater system. But you also need to clean out the air filter. Tankless water heaters have a unique way of heating water on demand that requires a steady stream of air intake for the process. But just like the water filter, debris also gets caught in the air filter. You need to take this filter off and clean it out before replacing it.

Ideally, you complete these tasks once each month to stay ahead of debris buildup. Keep in mind that while many tankless water heaters have filters that you can clean and put back, others have filters that you throw away and replace with new ones. If you’re not sure which type of filter you have, read the manufacturer’s guide for your tankless water heater or give our team a call for guidance.

Professional Maintenance

In addition to cleaning out the filters, you also want to flush out the system regularly. The filters can only do so much to prevent tiny particles of debris from getting into your tankless water heater. And since all of the components are much smaller, it doesn’t take much to negatively affect your tankless water heater function.

You want to schedule an appointment for our team to flush out your tankless water heater at least once each year. If you have particularly hard water, you may need to schedule the service more frequently, for example every six months. You can complete the system flush on your own if you prefer, but even so we recommend regular professional maintenance to be safe. 

Natal’s Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical. Service Honoring the Golden Rule.

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